March 15, 2011
guest poet: Santiago Tena
participating poets in order of appearance: 1. Bill Gorton, taxidermist 2. Aurora Blanco 3. Gsus Bonilla 4. Escandar Algeet 5. Leo Zelada 6. Raul Quintana 7. Maria Luisa 8. Chema Rubio 9. Milo 10. Odile 11. Miguel Retana 12. Javier Javier 13. Carlos Salem 14. Luis Ricardo Suarez 15. Paco Sevilla 16. Montoya 17. Lidia Fernandez 18. Giovanni Collazos 19. Alfredo Piquer 20. Gabriel Maciel 21. Martin Massé 22. Charlotte 23. José Antonio Pamies 24. José Tomás Méndez 25. Silvia Nieves 26. Ramiro Tapestry 27. The Cable Blue 28. Nicholas 29. Sergio 30. Nacho Aldeguer 31. Dani Orviz 32. Beatriz Calvo 33.
LENGTH: Two hours and forty-eight minutes (from 22:00 to 0:48).
INCIDENTS: Gsus Bonilla, Leo Zelada, Miguel Retana, Francisco J. Sevilla, José Tomás Méndez, Ramiro Tapestry Dani Nacho Orviz Aldeguer and recited from memory. Carlos Salem did read the iPad. Staying silent read Batani , Beatriz Calvo. Minutes before the end of the jam, Carlos Salem made a point-tribute to Entrelíneas Librebar, which has closed.
CHAT: began at 9:53 am and ended at 0:48. 24 participants: Silviasnow, Luisa Luna, Pools, Luis Orozco, MeryCaos, Neorrabioso, CarlosSalem, Natalia, Palomacorrales, Ángeladeluis, Gsus_Bonilla, Enea_Eldalie, Sofia Serra, Poetamenor, LeireOlmeda, EvaMonogatari, Pp, Violet, egomania, Mayte, Juan Carlos Pérez Medina, Beine, Juanhito and Carlotti.
participating poets in order of appearance: 1. Bill Gorton, taxidermist 2. Aurora Blanco 3. Gsus Bonilla 4. Escandar Algeet 5. Leo Zelada 6. Raul Quintana 7. Maria Luisa 8. Chema Rubio 9. Milo 10. Odile 11. Miguel Retana 12. Javier Javier 13. Carlos Salem 14. Luis Ricardo Suarez 15. Paco Sevilla 16. Montoya 17. Lidia Fernandez 18. Giovanni Collazos 19. Alfredo Piquer 20. Gabriel Maciel 21. Martin Massé 22. Charlotte 23. José Antonio Pamies 24. José Tomás Méndez 25. Silvia Nieves 26. Ramiro Tapestry 27. The Cable Blue 28. Nicholas 29. Sergio 30. Nacho Aldeguer 31. Dani Orviz 32. Beatriz Calvo 33.
LENGTH: Two hours and forty-eight minutes (from 22:00 to 0:48).
INCIDENTS: Gsus Bonilla, Leo Zelada, Miguel Retana, Francisco J. Sevilla, José Tomás Méndez, Ramiro Tapestry Dani Nacho Orviz Aldeguer and recited from memory. Carlos Salem did read the iPad. Staying silent read Batani , Beatriz Calvo. Minutes before the end of the jam, Carlos Salem made a point-tribute to Entrelíneas Librebar, which has closed.
CHAT: began at 9:53 am and ended at 0:48. 24 participants: Silviasnow, Luisa Luna, Pools, Luis Orozco, MeryCaos, Neorrabioso, CarlosSalem, Natalia, Palomacorrales, Ángeladeluis, Gsus_Bonilla, Enea_Eldalie, Sofia Serra, Poetamenor, LeireOlmeda, EvaMonogatari, Pp, Violet, egomania, Mayte, Juan Carlos Pérez Medina, Beine, Juanhito and Carlotti.
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And this, after four months blue, fifteen blues jam session, one hundred and fifty poets blue and blue over a thousand poems recited Santiago Tena was before the Blue Devils microphone and began to read Blue :
... blue, blue. The universe is blue. I do not believe in anything. I just know that you are blue, the world does not exist, there is no love, love is, and everything is blue.
"Of all the poetry, you were the blue fire," wrote Neruda to refer to Miguel Hernandez, blue fire and I turn to define Santiago Tena, as cited prose made to mourn Javier Javier , you can read the full two entries below this story. Chronicle brings the novelty of the links: from now on, if you click on the names in very red, accedéis to blog or facebook of that (whichever).
A Tena I met him almost three years ago in the presentation of a book by Luis Carlos Cuesta Master , Under the skin of the soul (SIAL), which was prologue Tena. He was later found on the net driving a blog, Love and Freedom whose fine lyrical prose had been credited to a public very wide. In an interview I read that they called "star blog. His blog, which is then destroyed and rebuilt a couple of times, had at that time with a staggering six hundred followers, more amazing when you consider that nearly half of them were women. And I, I'm bad and almost red, Santi approached me and said: "Five hundred women
six hundred followers, Santi. Fuck me. That can not be a coincidence.
"Well, is that most blogs where comments are left women's blogs.
We are facing the phenomenon of a lively writer and wrong you want and leave the women wanting a thorough writer and applied in a way that, I dare say, would not write if there were no women (it happens to many) and just live and love the trouble receiving them. In the chat requests Tena. In the blogs are asked to Tena. In the jam we listen to Tena. Tena The phenomenon has given rise to Olaia Pazos, every time he touches present, they say: "Girls
you see the jam from the internet, I've played! I touched Santi Tena!
The Montevideo-born writer said again that Blue Devils is their favorite literary place in Madrid and, having claimed as the only poet who has attended malasañeras fifteen sessions, offered a concert timed ("I have taken the time at home to not happen, he said), which pulled the sheets as the ending was. His reading was abundant harvest of applause, and only failed to pose with his foot on the piece charged, like a deer, a boar. Highlighted above Blue and dedicated to his girlfriend Natalia Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut as blank sheet has already published the full video of their performance ( HERE), saving me not without adding the gloss that the actions of Tena always go up the quality of the jam, to the point where you usually say:
- What do you do with us, Santi?
- What do you mean, Batani?
"Damn, a guy with that rhythm that you have, until you put in rondón hendecasyllables and Alexandrian in your prose, you know. High level.
"Well ...
People Tena level makes his poetic career in the University, the Fine Arts, the student residence, the Casa de America, places with high ceilings where you actually cook the high poetry, where poets are which distributed the prizes and work friendly poetry tradition, poets among them is growing easier to find the correlation, the mask, the suggestion, the impersonal, poets whose verse is impossible to find the word or the word artichoke lettuce. The bar is mostly poetry and narrative and figurative poetry is abstract and metaphysical ateneo for making a Manichean simplifications that I like, although this is late, and I speak not only of Santiago Tena, who begin to go to bars poets of other blocks more pedigree, perhaps because we are not as bad as they say they were or because we are more fun than going around telling the girls we leave.
When I started going to the jam in 2007, the only published books were Carlos Salem, Oscar Aguado, Francisco J. Sevilla , Leo Zelada and some more than sure that I forget, now, however, almost half of those who have read books published. A Tena I include in that group "lift" the general level, because their visceral lyricism and wrist ultrarrítmica have made since their arrival in a reference inevitable. It makes us grow. Even so, and make some criticism from my bias narrativist cachicuerno and I dare say that in his lyrical prose constant use of anaphora and polysyndeton, allowing you to be bright and intense in one or two pages, create certain weariness as the pages go by. On the other hand, I like a bit more when restrained lyricism, as in the Manifesto he wrote for the blog Poetry paperless ( HERE), or when someone dares daring prosaic, as in that poem calculated Meekness (SIAL) where it says "Engineer of love without coca cola, delicious, and I miss not to insist more on these crops.
The jam seemed pretty good. Most of the poets did not exercise their right to read three poems, so we left a light and fitipaldesca jam. And they say, say we are vain. The broadcast The blank sheet and chatting, moreover, are striking and disrupting the meetings live, as interactions arise between the two sides. Chaos Mery, such as last Tuesday stayed home, wrote in the chat:
- Carlos, please, if Gio does not take too long on getting, so I see my mother! And Salem
immediately drew a Giovanni Collazos, just so I could see the mother of chaos at home. And when he recited his sweeping Salem Country deleted, country stolen, however you in chat the signing as P oetamenor said the poem was passed from narrative and entered fully into the prose, Salem, who is among those who sleep well if you put a single pea under seven mattresses of her bed, took the next presentation to answer:
"Let's see, the chat is a guy who said that my poem is not poetry. Well I'll tell you one thing, man: if I sweat it is prose or verse. Me sudan labels if this verse is prose, experience or whatever it is. Let everyone write what comes out of the eggs and stop bullshitting.
This is what our boss. Chandler School / Bukowski. I'm proud of him. Go to this as a warning to Isabel García Mellado (felici-) or Silberia (-ties), so it does not come at the newborn to the jam session, because we have a leader who says many tacos and not plan to be educated from so early in the syntax. How much better to be listening to Bach and Spandau Ballet.
Escandar Algeet and his hat flies recited Pigs and ( HERE.) I quote his hat because it is important for your image, like the handkerchief in Salem, the hooded sweatshirts in Aldeguer, the Blinks in Gaby Maciel, gloves to the elbow of Manuela Paso, the lock falling head Bill Gorton (Natalia called) or coat of Francisco J. Sevilla. Spelman had come to the jam with Milo, whom he met in the Extreme forum, a forum that also began Gsus Bonilla, who in turn recited from memory the Tom Hanks classic. Leo Zelada
get on the podium again after weeks without it and denounced the situation of the Indians of Peru. Alfredo Piquer , Circle of Fine Arts highlighted with a poetry recitation refined and quiet. In the chat, Leire Olmeda, who also saw the jam on the Internet, throwing compliments to the guys who went up to recite, especially the three that look chest and chocolate bar: Gaby Maciel, The Blue Wire and Montoya. José Tomás Méndez recited quieter than last week and I gave him a book of poems, drop by drop (Vision Net, 2004), whose dedication,
also dedicate this book to Mary, the Virgin most beautiful
, my light,
my support, my star.
made me suspect the worst, I have confirmed suspicions after reading widely, and make me repeat what I say centuries, ie the most influential poet of the story is not Rilke and Eliot and Baudelaire and Blake and Dante and Virgil and Homer and Sappho, the most influential poet of history, which continues to generate thousands and thousands of young followers, remains Petrarca.
The Blue Wire buenista recited a poem on equality between the sexes that worked very well for its vertical and progressive way of reciting and that was very well structured. Luis Ricardo Suarez is a fun and modern poet who before the poem gives you the location, origin and solution of what is going to have a little to what Brecht but with more humor. Marta Massé, who feels what he writes so that he could not hold back the tears the first time I recited, it starts normally. I certainly Marta says:
-Batani, I'd rather not ever put me in your reviews to put me wrong, as you did in the past with The Blue Cable. As badmouth me and everybody hears, I swear I'll kill you.
already notice that in the event of an outbreak killed, the police have to start by reading research my last column. I am not referring to Martha, I know it says in jest and I'm slowly corrupting (I gave him a shirt neorrabiosa). Besides, I always speak highly of you all, because some people seem to me very simple and very good. Another thing, alas, are your poems.
About twelve o'clock all competed to please the mother of chaos that followed us over the Internet. Gorton Bill read a poem more elaborate than usual, but with less intuition than usual. Javier Javier was in great demand in the chat, by clicking on their name accedéis Facebook. Javier has certainly given a recital in which Bukowski was undressing to stay in their underwear, all very dada-surrealist. Silvia
Nieva brought us delicious popcorn, thank you, and the recitation is presented as a woman "monogamous and heterosexual amorous." Paco Sevilla read five poems in 55 seconds, one of which said "The best thing about capitalism is the weekend." The session concluded Aldeguer and Nacho Orviz Dani, who were in their high standard reports and eclectic. Orviz also read a sonnet on how to make a sonnet, in line with that opened Lope de Vega ("A sonnet sent me Violante do ").
The sonnet was one of the stars of the evening. There were those who were disappointed when they saw José Antonio Pamies and I did not stick or anything and until we address the word sincerely. Given that some saw our good vibes with suspicion, and before you uncover the bad language, I will tell the truth: yes, it was a hoax. What happened is that the jam session last week I felt terrible and had nothing to tell, so, seeing that Pamies was going to be the last, I said,
-José Antonio, please, when you leave gave the first stupidity that comes to mind, because I have nothing complete the review.
- donkey? What kind of stupidity?
I do not know any atrocity. Cervantes wrote Don Quixote with their feet, as González-Ruano said. Or that Lorca wrote in fascist, says Forte. Or Gamoneda is a great poet.
"Okay. Count on me.
the end came with the sonnet, but the same could have gotten away with that Rosalía de Castro was a nymphomaniac or Tirso de Molina worked Drag queen at Meson de Paredes. The fact is that, thanks to our little prank, we have been a week of continuous debate, encouraging the roost, and the operating metrics Tomás Navarro, that the library Pedro Salinas had borrowed one from the year 73, has been applied in the last week on three occasions.
fifty minutes passed midnight when they finished the jam session. "Where I was born, / the act of leaving is called erased," the poem of Salem, and that's what we did. We left. We delete.
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