
Ortoño Rosalie lived in his childhood. In a rural Galician daughter of single mother had not been a problem, but she was the daughter of the priest, and that left a mark on his life.
Moreover, Dona Teresa, her mother always lived tormented by what he considered a very serious offense. We do not know when her daughter decided to live with her, but that at age thirteen and Rosalie is with her mother in Santiago de Compostela. There, be natural daughter was a situation "shameful" and Rosalie's work there are traces of this shame of his origin, a feeling of being identified by the finger of society. And there's also a great distrust of passionate love. The woman always appears as a victim seduced you pay dearly for delivery to the seductive.
MAYORAL, Rosalía de Castro: love poetry, Love Poems in through the centuries , SIAL, Madrid, 2006, pg. 150
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