Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gameshark Cheats For Vba Emulator Pokemon Silver

HOLOCAUST, Hildebrand Chaviano Montes

El Vedado, Havana, September 3, 2009, (SDP) Hatred does not build, so there believe in love, peace and freedom, but it is alarming to see and hear well-meaning people-or not so well intentioned, that does not explain why there are Cubans in exile and in Cuba, who have so much hatred of the regime Castro-Communist and their friends and accomplices. Hopefully, for the sake of the homeland, a day is not so, but first have to heal the wounds that Castro does not allow open and close.

For 50 years, this administration has caused, fostered and engendered hatred toward Americans and Cubans each other. The scheme from the beginning was fed by the hatred of the poor against the bourgeoisie, the Democrats against the Communists and back, nonbelievers against religious and those who remained against those who were leaving. Has executed, imprisoned and exiled thousands of Cubans thousands of others have disappeared in the Straits of Florida to seek escape from slavery and many families have been divided without having emigrated. Hate is one of the four fundamental pillars of the government of Fidel Castro, along with lies, fear and crime.

When I refer to the government of Fidel Castro and not his brother, I rely on Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, which I transcribe: - ¨ The Communist Party of Cuba, Marti (?) And Marxist-Leninist vanguard organization of the Cuban nation, is the highest leading force of society and state, ... ¨. As the first secretary of the PCC is still the same, the government is in their hands.

This is the same regime that confiscated property without compensating the owners, stole up rings commitment to those who emigrated in the 60's, forced to work only to be forced migrants, separated families until they could finally leave the country they were cast.

The Castro harassed and beat those who gathered at the entrance to the former U.S. embassy for immigration formalities. Also beat those were when the events of the Embassy of Peru and the subsequent mass exodus from the port of Mariel. They threw eggs, were stoned, spat upon and insulted in every possible way. They littered the doors and facades, not realizing that the houses were not going, and they cut off electricity.

This government brutally repressed Escambray farmers who supported the guerrilla rebels in the area and were deported to places like the town of Sandino in the province of Pinar del Rio, which was repeated the famous sad and refocusing of Valerian Weyler in the nineteenth century.

The Brothers to the Rescue made sure that many lives were not lost at sea, and in retaliation, aviation Cuban government shot down two civilian planes in international waters of the Straits of Florida, a fact which he assumed responsibility for the Cuban leader because "you were tired."

By order of the same ruler, was sunk off the Bay of Havana the tug No. 13 of March ·, action that drowned children, women and men ¨ ¨ crime want to escape from hell.

in 2003 were summarily executed three young black men a few days after hijacked a boat with which they attempted to leave the country. Other group members were sentenced to life imprisonment and to thirty years imprisonment. In that same year 2003, only to think and express their own voices, 75 Cubans joined the thousands who have passed through the prisons of the regime in 50 years.

People of exile has been imprisoned, her loved ones have been shot; Family and friends have disappeared at sea, others have not seen for decades. Are Cubans who were expelled from their country, remember? - ¨ ... they leave, we do not want, not need ... ¨.

If the Cuban exile was made by Paul of Tarsus, Francis of Assisi and Teresa of Calcutta, might not have hate, but not, are men and women who have suffered, suffering and hate, because the damage has been far and for too long.

time ago I heard a story in which a gladiator in the Roman circus was buried up to his neck in sand. Released a lion and a neglect of the beast, the gladiator was bitten, the public protested inflamed: ¨ Trickster, a bite is not fair! ·

Still, some say we have not ended the dictatorship of indolent, lazy and collaborators, while others accuse the opposition to its proposals are consistent with the U.S. government and Cuban exiles, and that it's invalid. Between Tyrian and Trojan, the repression continues.

To those who criticize exiled to break some records from Colombian singer Juanes, the music is more important than missing boat or the beatings and imprisonment for peaceful opposition, or increasingly more Cubans seeking food remains dumpsters. Against this would never have raised their voices conciliatory, and not come to me with what not to link art with politics, because that bond was invented by the communists.

The Cuban exile is not the result of a natural migration process, migrants are Cuban exiles, is a diaspora caused by the lack of civil and political liberties. While many of our brothers in exile do not realize or do not want to admit it, they are all condemned to exile political emigrants final.

wrote the Apostle: - ¨ Love, mother, country, love is not ridiculous to the land they walk on our plants, is the infinite hatred whom the press, is the eternal grudge who attacks ¨. Even Jesus of Nazareth drove the merchants from the temple possessed of righteous anger. There is no right to criticize the Cuban exile symbolically break some records, tax suffered uprooting and deserve respect if they have chosen this way to express themselves.

A Juanes, who knows better to Cubans on both sides and maybe when he comes, the peace concert is a concert for free, without semantic trickery. The problem is not between Cubans here and there, or between Cuba and the United States, the real problem to solve is among Cubans of all parties and the Castro-communism suffocates us.

in Cuba have never lacked good musicians, we love music and peace, but and liberty.
hildebrando.chaviano @


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