Thursday, September 3, 2009

Some Nice And Easy Hairstyle

CUBACEL "or the government?, Ramón Díaz-March

La Habana Vieja, Havana, September 3, 2009 (SDP) Blaming a minister who is not in the closed circle of historical commanders Sierra Maestra or any agency or ministry, abuse of power is critical to practice journalism in an abusive manner.

But in Cuba the blame for all sorts of irregularities and everything that goes against the people rests with the Castro brothers. They (and some generals of the claque) are the source of all ills that plague the country by 70% because the other 30% lies in foreign policy that states States has practiced against Cuba during the last 50 years. Saved this clarification, go into the issue of mobile phones in Cuba.

As a member of the "Fourth World" that could actually live and live to bear the shortage and lack of resources, I am always excited about the scientific and technical development of the First World. I miss the enjoyment and development that is beyond the borders of Cuba. If I had never known the electric light would be very happy with the gas, oil, and candles. But when something is familiar and you lack, you suffer. I live in an area of \u200b\u200bOld Havana, a few meters from the restaurant El Floridita, where the light never goes away. Only when a cyclone is approaching the capital, for obvious reasons the electricity supply is interrupted, and are hours or days of suffering.

I have a cell phone from the time the Cubans had no right to own a telephone line and appeared in the "contract" as second children despite the Cubans were we put the money. Abroad, after feeling confident about one, was to be paid for the game. An alien who would be in Cuba only a few weeks and possibly never return, the government, with their absurd actions made him owner of a phone that never use. Recently

this government's contempt for his countrymen was abolished and now the Cubans not only have the right to own, but the price of the line was reduced to 50%.

until recently also the Cubans had to pay for a service that had not applied. If a foreigner called us from Australia and the minute was worth $ 5, Cuban, if he opened the line, also had to pay $ 5 per minute.

How Cuba can not live alone in the world because all countries are interrelated, Cuba has protocols with more than 100 servers or companies with whom we have to work on a bilateral, not unilateral. Want say, the government and his people can do what it wants to, but you can not do with the rest of the world (thankfully). It turns out that this community of servers recently met with Cuba and asked why Cubans users did not return calls from abroad. The Cuban government, as always, thinks he has an explanation for everything, was to respond, but the farm told him to save words. They knew that the reason that Cubans did not open the calls coming from abroad was because the user stipulated CUBACEL Cuba also had to pay the call. Then as the Cuban government (whether the view is always a foreigner has imported more than the opinion of a Cuban) was stripped to this irregularity, announced through CUBACEL that for a given time, as a "promotion" (read please) accept that users open any calls from Cubans abroad no cost.

The problem now is that as the state and the Cuban government is the sole owner of all means of production of the country and has no competitors, continues with good Cuban irregularities that have only one name: abuse of power. It turns out that the Cuban phone when they receive a call within the country, either from another mobile phone from a pay phone, or phone fixed, they have to pay for the call.

Without going into details of fees within the national territory are for millionaires, I just want to point out that the best thing government can do to demonstrate that despises both the Cuban people is to allow Cubans to receive mobile national calls without having to pay. Common sense says that whoever pays is requesting the service and the called party is the one who does not have to pay.

Although there are other serious national problems that the irregularities of mobile telephony in Cuba, I urge the government of the Castro brothers to release through CUBACEL Cubans from having to pay tax when they call us. If the government takes this step, I will interpret that in Cuba there is still hope that the government is willing to take positive steps for the people. ENOUGH ABUSE OF POWER!


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