Thursday, September 3, 2009

Joby Talbot, The Kiss, Sheet Music

TO PUT CHAINS, Pablo Pacheco Ávila

Chutes Provincial Prison, Ciego de Ávila, September 3, 2009, (SDP) The prisoner Pedro Gonzalez Morgado, 33 old, was hit in the head while playing with a friend in the galley 43 of Task 3, Chutes Provincial Jail here Ciego de Avila.

taken to the prison infirmary, the medical product of the characteristics of the injury, sent to the Provincial Hospital 'Antonio Luaces Iraola "Ciego de Avila. According to what Gonzalez Morgado, began "the most tragic night 'of his life.

First, the duty officer Brizuela, objected to his being taken to hospital in an ambulance of Comprehensive Emergency Medical Service (SIUM). Hours later complaining of severe pain, she was finally handcuffed and taken to the clinical center of the capital avileña teacher. He was taken in shackles for maximum safety, similar to those shown on TV used against suspected Islamic terrorists held in Guantanamo Naval Base.

On arrival, the doctor on duty, in exercise of its code of ethics, asked the military who removed his handcuffs to the patient uncomfortable. The military refused and the doctor finally relented and said that he did Gonzalez Morgado x-ray examination There he repeated the story. The military repeated their refusal to remove the shackles and became the X-ray with strings attached. Exhausted by pain and very angry about the atrocities, Gonzalez Morgado was admitted to the observation room of the hospital with intravenous drugs on each arm.

After hours of intense pain and the iron posts, the young inmate tore sera and asked the military that would lead to prison, so as to end their ordeal.

The next day, Morgado Gonzalez's father went to the prison to learn the status of their child. Count the conviction that the prison director, Reinerio Díaz Betancourt, said his father with absolute audacity that the whole problem arose from gambling issues prohibited. "A big lie," the affected.

At the end of this information, Pedro Gonzalez Morgado is recovering from his injury in the Provincial Prison Gutters, in Ciego de Avila. Resides in the town of Moron and subtracted 11 months to extinguish their sanction.


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