Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nintendo Club Unused Au


... blue, blue. The universe is blue. I do not believe in anything. I just know that you are blue, the world does not exist, there is no love, love is, and everything is blue.

Poets do not believe in anything, are fools, we are only passion, only fire type, and everything is blue. You are blue, I I'm blue, fire is blue writing, and I know that this text case I will head, and I wonder as I have asked, but I do not believe in anything, I just know that everything is blue.
Let me exaggerate, and finally let me be as I really am, how I want to be, and tell you that everything is blue. Some believe and not believe in me, some people criticized me, some people love me, but all da same, everything is blue.

Do you believe in me? I'm all that passion, I tell you the truth, as in the song that Garcia Calvo, "free love you but not mine or God or anyone or even yours ", even so, I do not even believe in you: I only know that everything is blue, and I go further: I do not believe in me or what I write, no one has to ask me accounts of a particular sentence or an argument.

Do you know why? Because everything is blue, and blue that is absolute freedom, I'm blue and I am free, and do not believe in anything: the one and the first condition of freedom is being free, and the writer, who paints he who loves, has never believe in anything, because the only truth is freedom, and freedom is blue, and love is blue, and I repeat and repeat until I die, I will not die: everything is blue, everything is free, and above all: everything is love, and above all, love is the same as freedom, so immensely sacred, holy immensely, immensely redeemer of the world, everything is blue, no one ever has to call to account the poet who is saving the world our writing blue, blue as their mission is to make the world better blue rewriting, and in this sacred mission blue freedom is as sacred and blue as your love, I do not believe in anything. I just know that the world is blue.
SANTIAGO TENA, A hundred words of love and freedom , SIAL, Madrid, 2009, pp. 23 and 24


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